
Data protection · Legal notice
Legal notice
The online offer at https://matchday.eu2.crewbrain.com/ is provided by CrewBrain on behalf of Matchday Production A/S.

Platform provider

CrewBrain GmbH
Muehlstrasse 6
D-76532 Baden-Baden

e-mail: support@crewbrain.com
Phone: +49-7221-3979468

Represented by the
Managing Director Sven Schlotthauer

ID no.: DE307304108

Commercial Registry entry
Court of registration: Mannheim
Register number: HRB 725586


Matchday Production bruger CrewBrain til at anmode om, booke og dele vores job og projekter med freelancere.


Privatlivspolitikken gælder, når du bruger vores tjenester. Vi tilbyder vores brugere valgmuligheder med hensyn til de data, vi indsamler og deler.